
Governors play an important role in the life and management of the school. They are volunteers who give their time and expertise in order to support the school, its staff and pupils and to promote Whitmore High School in the local and wider community.
Full Governors meeting are normally held every half term. For further information or access to the minutes of the meetings please contact the school

The following people have been appointed as Governors at Whitmore High School and make up the Governing Body at the start of the current academic year (September 2023). For information about any vacancies, please contact the Clerk to the Governors.

Local Authority Governors Community Governors Parent Governors Teaching/Staff Governors
Kathy Riddick Chair of Governing Body Julian Forsyth Committee Chair [Premises] Kathy Riddick John Lloyd Teacher
Ruth Foster Roxanne Beckles Stephen Cole (Vice Chair) Chloe Sutton Teacher
Matthew Griffiths Committee Chair [Resources] Richard Hicks Committee Chair [Student Offer] Mike Edwards Sam Tucker Staff
Vacancy Committee Chair [School Improvement & Standards] Zuzanna Rowles   Nadia Joshua
Vacancy Committee Chair [Stakeholder Engagement] Rhys Edwards   Ghislaine Van Der Burgt
  Vacancy Vacancy
Innes Robinson
Executive Headteacher
Tracey Ralphs Reporting Officer
David Parker Clerk